2024 Cyber and Privacy Outlook

Exploring cyber risks

James Cole, Partner

Cyber and Data Protection are a part of every organisation's risk landscape and are rapidly becoming one of the most complex webs of regulation and risk. This trend will continue at an accelerated pace as 2024 unfolds leaving unprepared businesses with substantial remediation projects.

Cyber and Privacy (C&P) has continued to grow from a niche area to a front-of-mind enterprise risk for practically any business. C&P represents a unique combination of regulatory and commercial risks, in that even seemingly innocent business activities can increase an organisation's risk exposure, whether it's from cyber and data incidents or regulatory risk, both domestically and internationally.

In practice, this means businesses need to understand the risks associated with C&P and actively identify, minimise and manage, and where possible transfer these risks by incorporating cyber and privacy as core components of your enterprise risk framework.

Cyber and Privacy are not set and forget. They are risks that are highly dynamic and subject to rapidly changing threat landscapes and regulatory obligations. Foreign regulatory regimes continue on the path of extraterritorial applicability increasing the complexity of managing cyber and privacy law risks. This unique threat and regulatory landscape requires an active C&P risk management program that spans holistically across all business activities, departments, and management levels. In short: Cyber and Privacy are the responsibility of the whole organisation from the Board, Directors, and Management, to every Department. The days of saying it's IT's problem are gone!

What activities can expose you to cyber and privacy risk?

Cyber and Privacy risks can arise anytime you operate a system, use Cloud software, or collect, store, process, generate, or disclose data, whether it's personal information or commercially sensitive data. All systems (yes, your Cloud systems too) and all data carry risk for your business. Data assets can add significant value to a business, but at the same time, they can be a toxic asset exposing your business to substantial legal, regulatory, and sometimes even existential risks.

Australian cyber and privacy regulation in 2024?

2023 brought an increased political focus on enhancing Australian cyber resiliency through new Government initiatives, strategic plans, legislative amendments, and proposed regulatory change. 2024 is already showing a strong focus on implementing substantial changes in both the Cyber and Privacy regulatory spaces across all industries and organisational sizes. This includes both substantial domestic legislative change and increased risks from foreign extraterritorial regimes.

We have outlined some of the key factors impacting on the Australian cyber and privacy landscape in 2024 below:

What's happening in the International regulatory space in 2024?

When it comes to Cyber, it is extremely easy for a company to be exposed to international laws.

International cyber and data protection laws are extremely complex to navigate and require specialised expertise to ensure compliance and effectively manage your risk. Foreign regulators are far more likely to, and frequently do, assess substantial financial penalties for non-compliance - usually in the millions. Many other countries are also much more litigious than Australia.

Below we explore just a small sampling of key international regulatory and legislative initiatives. We expect to see a strong regulatory focus on:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI);
  • Cookie banner enforcement;
  • biometric information privacy;
  • clarification and enforcement actions around Director's duties in cybersecurity;
  • data flow regulation to third-countries (i.e. non-adequacy countries such as Australia); and
  • continued enforcement actions and penalties from activist actions and following major data breaches.

Where do we go from here?

In response to the growing complexity of the cyber and privacy regulatory landscape, AB's Cyber and Privacy team have put together a broad range of services to help business of all sizes. You can learn more about our Cyber and Technology Solutions here and our Privacy and Data Protection Solutions here.

We have developed two key solutions to help businesses better understand their cyber and privacy risks:

Get a no obligation consultation

At Albrecht Burrows, we understand the complexity and urgency of cyber and privacy risks facing businesses today. Get a no obligation consultation with our experts to better understand how your business can increase your resilience to cyber and privacy threats and regulatory risks. Our team of experienced multidisciplinary professionals will work closely with you to create personalised risk management solutions tailored to your business' unique needs needs and budget. Don't wait until it's too late – schedule your no-obligation consultation today and take proactive steps towards protecting your business from cyber threats and privacy breaches.

James A. Cole
Partner | Head of Cyber & Privacy

My passion is helping our clients to implement holistic and commercial technology, privacy, and governance strategies that are aligned to their business objectives and risk appetite. I enjoy holistically applying my expertise across technology, business, and law enabling me to get to the heart of the issues and achieve positive, long-term results for clients.

Mark Anderson
Legal Consultant, Lawyer (NZ)

Managing risk with both technical precision and pragmatism is critical in the modern environment. Properly understanding your business needs and then delivering that advice together with integrity, trust and loyalty are fundamental to ensuring your most optimal outcomes.

Emotionally intelligent advice

While for the modern lawyer being able to manage relationships is par-for-the-course, our experience is that the impact that emotional factors can have on business outcomes is vastly underestimated. Human issues represent an entire spectrum of factors that can have very little to do with the legal merits of an issue, and can provide opportunities for leverage as well as unique avenues towards resolution. When managed well they can lead to exceptional outcomes that would not have seemed possible when assessing the matter on paper.

AB offers exceptional legal advice delivered by highly skilled and brilliant lawyers who are fantastic to deal with; personable, easy to talk to and compassionate. The commerciality of their advice is matched only by their commitment to simplifying the law and finding practical, creative solutions!"

Tas Demos
Managing Partner, BDH Leaders


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Also, while our rates are always competitive, they become even more so when the projects scale - so why not do a few things at once?

The sooner you get in touch, the sooner we can tick these issues off your list, leaving you free to focus on what's important.

All the best from the AB Cyber and Privacy Team!

Data breach emergencies

If you have experienced a data breach, whether unintential employee errors, employee data theft, or you’ve been the victim of a cyber-attack, the first 48 hours is crucial. So don’t waste any time, just get in touch.

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